Saturday, August 15, 2009

First few days in Korea

We finally made it to Korea and we are preparing to teach our classes starting on Monday. This was our first weekend here in Korea and we had a busy day on Saturday. We woke around 6am due to the time change as it was 3pm in America. We took a walk around the park that is close by our apartment. They have a track with some workout equipment on it. It is quite funny as this workout equipment looks ridiculous. There are wheels that make you look like you are driving a giant bus or you are driving two cars at once. There was also this wheel where you could wiggle your butt back and forth... not so sure what that is supposed to do but it was entertaining.

The Mamies (not sure how to spell in English) are out in full force. While walking through the park there is a constant and loud stream of noise from these little bugs that almost drives you crazy.

We went and visited a few friends from America on Saturday, they were excited to see us. We also went to a chicken museum where chicken art was displayed. Chickens were believed to guard the soul as it made its journey from this world to the next.

We are getting more used to public transportation and riding the subway, something we don't have in Colorado but is quite useful to us here in Korea. We made our way all the way to Inchon and back on the subway, a rather long and boring process. We arrived back at our apartment rather late and promptly passed out. I have decided that of all the apartments I have now seen (I have seen two others besides ours of wealthy families) that ours is the best simply because we have an air conditioner and the others did not. Air conditioners are my friend. Today we will make our way over to our church, again on the subway and hope that we can find the building without much trouble. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. Matthew & Jenna:

    MARIAH says HHIIII!!!!!

    (Mariah typed that and thought of it.)

    We loved your blog. I kept looking every day for news. I think I kept getting the original blog before you left.

    I'm glad that you're having a great time. I thought you would. The pictures remind me so much of when Robert and I were in Okinawa our first year of marriage.

    I hope that your work is very fulfilling and enjoyable (and not too frustrating).

    When I was taking Jakob to his friend's church for an activity today (Wednesday) around 6:00 p.m. we saw a big black bear right at the bottom of Hawthorn where it intersects with Roxborough Drive. It's the first bear I've seen in a couple of years.

    I'll write more later.

    Have a great day!


    Mom and MARIAH
